Okay so i am so excited about the new movie Precious coming out. I have been waiting to see this film ever since i saw the preview when i wasted my money to see that whack ass Tyler Perry movie "Madea goes to jail." Let me start by saying this. I have no problem with Tyler Perry i honestly think he is a great screen writer and director. My problem is that all his movies repeat the same material. I need something refreshing from him just something new and different. Shit give me another race besides the stereotypical black person. But that's not the main point of this post. What i want to talk about is the new movie Precious. It stars and amazing cast like Monique who is actually playing a role were she isn't yelling and saying skinny bitch jokes (which i live for). And Mariah Carey who makes her first on screen appearance with no make up. The bitch is striped down and raw which i am really excited to see. And a fresh face actress named Gabourey Sidibe who plays Precious in the movie. I am even more excited about the plot. An abused girl seeks love and acceptance so she sleeps with a man ending with her pregnant her abusive mother (played by Monique) hurt by her own inner demons lashes out at Precious. The movie to me seems like a very solid great movie. Its no cliche we will over come shit its real and that's what i want. I am looking forward to seeing how Tyler Perry made this movie. I just wonder was he able to really deliver it with a bang without his trusted lackluster jokes and the infamous Madea. I am really excited to see what he has done with it and did he meet the challenge. Arrgggg i am crazed with excitement over this movie. People go and see it, it looks to be a tear jerkier.
Posted by
Monday, October 26, 2009
7:57 PM
"An Ex is an ex for a reason"-B.Scott. But what if you made a mistake on that ex? Recently me and one of my ex's bumped into each other at the mall. We exchanged hello's shit like that...it got weird when he asked for my new number. So not thinking i gave it to him. Not even an hour later i received a text. We started texting and then he drops I have a dude but i miss you. So that got me thinking. Could i be Boyfriend #2. Could i play the sideline hoe role?
Posted by
Friday, October 16, 2009
9:11 PM

Now first i would like to start by saying that I really don't like to do many celebrity post. But certain new developments in pop culture news have pushed me to this. Now lets begin. First this just in Beyonce' and Lady Gaga to do the Video Phone remix together. My gay hormones are already raging over this collabo. Who would have thought the Queen of R&B and the H.B.I.C of Pop would be making a video together. Two of the best female artist in the game will be going head to head on the that video, and i am sure the fashion will be to die for. I can't wait. Now the only thing I fear is that Beyonce' might not "bring it" like she should and get slayed on her own song. But I'm sure she got that shit on lock. Speaking of Lady Gaga since the cancellation of her and Kanye West tour (wipe tear now) she will be doing her own tour called The Monster Ball Tour. When i tell you i can't fucking wait!!! Arggggg Miss Lady is gonna devour. The promotion poster looks fucking hot. And now for the most jaw dropping news of all. Rihanna is back in the studio THANK GOD!!! I am really looking forward to hearing her on a solo track. I am tired of playing Good Girl Gone Bad to get my Rihanna fix. This should be very interesting. I would like to take time and do a thanks to all the people who read this blog and have favorited thanks so much.

Posted by
Thursday, October 15, 2009
7:53 PM

Today during my English class the topic of sex was brought up. And me being a normal 18yo old college student I immediately began to add into the conversation. One of my classmates shared that she would not have sex before marriage. And that got me thinking. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! I understand the whole sex before marriage thing and to follow the bible but come on. Sex is a personal thing shared between two people who care deeply about each other. Their should be no time constraints on sex (meaning that i shouldn't have to share a wedding date for us to get it on). I shouldn't have to tell you I do before we can explore the most intimate part of each other. Now im not telling you to sleep with half of the population...but don't shut another person who might actually love you for someone who might not even care and is just lying to get into your pants. I am in no way condoning promiscuity (even though its a personal choice) I'm just saying that love is love. And a marriage certificate should not have to give me the green light to have sex.
Posted by
Friday, October 9, 2009
2:00 PM