Today during my English class the topic of sex was brought up. And me being a normal 18yo old college student I immediately began to add into the conversation. One of my classmates shared that she would not have sex before marriage. And that got me thinking. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! I understand the whole sex before marriage thing and to follow the bible but come on. Sex is a personal thing shared between two people who care deeply about each other. Their should be no time constraints on sex (meaning that i shouldn't have to share a wedding date for us to get it on). I shouldn't have to tell you I do before we can explore the most intimate part of each other. Now im not telling you to sleep with half of the population...but don't shut another person who might actually love you for someone who might not even care and is just lying to get into your pants. I am in no way condoning promiscuity (even though its a personal choice) I'm just saying that love is love. And a marriage certificate should not have to give me the green light to have sex.

October 19, 2009 at 9:20 PM
uh, we need to talk bout this, cause you already know i have an argument, i so shoulda been in your class when yall started this debate
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